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Additional information

Weight 1.10 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 5 cm




Condition New

Mueller Industries BD34519 Pressure Relief Valve 235 PSI 1-5/16"

SKU 115834752158 Category


1 in stock


 Temperature Range: ‐40°F/300°F, ‐40°C/149°C
• Designed primarily for use on liquid receiver applications above the liquid refrigerant level (it is recommended that the factory be consulted before the valves are used on other applications)
• Satisfy ASHRAE Standard 15 code requirements for a refrigerant vessel safety device (Application information can also be found in ASHRAE Guide and Data Book)
• Comply with ASME code for unfired pressure vessels
• Discharge rates are certified by National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors
• Designed for maximum discharge capacities
• Conforms to Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU, CRN, Compatible with all CFC, HCFC and HFC refrigerants and oils

Connection Size (in)

1 5/16 ‐ 12UNF ‐ 2S

Second Connection Size

1 in

Second End Type


Operating Pressure [Min]

150 psi

Operating Pressure [Max]

450 psi


0.62 kg1.37 lb

Operating Temperature [Min]

-40 ºC-40 ºF

Operating Temperature [Max]

149 ºC300 ºF